#270 Sydney Sabiston
This week on The Reel Debaters Micheal talks to actor Sydney Sabiston about her work in the Hallmark Universe, making short films with her dad, film school at the U of W, working on the top 10 Netflix movie Timecut, imposter syndrome, Alien Romulus Wicked How I Met Your Mother, Game Of Thrones Breaking Bad Buffy The Vampire Slayer Jersey Shore and Love Island
Production Credits
Recorded at Sick Bad Panda Studios
Art by Micheal Petrow
Hosts: Micheal Petrow
Guest: Sydney Sabiston
Production Credits:
- Producer: Micheal Petrow
- Editor: Micheal Petrow
- Sound Engineer: Micheal Petrow
Contact Information: thereeldebaters@gmail.com
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About Us
Set in the backdrop of Manitoba's booming film industry, The Reel Debaters Podcast is a motley crew of film-obsessed nerds and selected colleagues that sit down each episode blending comedy and a deep insight of cinema with ridiculous, satirical debates and facetious musings on media.
Examples are but not limited to:
Could James Bond be a nanny?
Best new SNL Cast?
What would Indiana Jones and Lara Croft's wedding look like?
What if Conan The Barbarian could teach Sex Ed?
When not arguing the world of make-believe you can listen to the reel talk sessions which get more conversational with the best of film and tv as well as industry interviews from inside Manitobas film industry , across Canada and all the way to Hollywood’s front door.
New episode every Saturday
Meet your cast:
Micheal Petrow Film And Entertainment Sales/Executive Producer/Host
Martin Navarro Comedian/Host
Jimmy Skinner Comedian/Host
Rob Strachan Home Theatre Expert/Host
Ian Bawa Filmmaker/Host
Mark Cowell String Bean Comics/Host
Charles Fernandes The Nerdgasm Show/Host
Emily Clark Dodge baller/Host